The new Eagle Scout Inclusive Playground at Spring Lake Park is ready. Now, all that is needed is the ribbon cutting by the Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce to make it official.

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Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will take place on Thursday afternoon, April 28 at 4:30 PM. So you might be wondering what an inclusive playground is and what it means. In today's world, the word 'inclusive' might sound political but it's not.


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


First of all, you may not realize it but according to;

current ADA standards primarily require that playgrounds be accessible for those who use a wheelchair or other mobility aid.


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


There is nothing for a child with other disabilities or handicaps like Down Syndrome, or hearing and visually impaired children.


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


An Inclusive Playground is "sensory-rich" that allows all children to play and explore. In doing this they also develop physically, socially and emotionally.


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


This park was built by Boy Scout Troop 16 as an Eagle Scout project with the Texarkana, Texas  Parks and Recreation Department.


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


Ttexarkana Texas Parks & Recreation
Texarkana Texas Parks & Recreation Department


A big thank you is also in order to the members of Troop 16, all the businesses, individually d and organizations that came together to make this park possible.


Texarkana Texas Parks and Recreation Dept.
Texarkana Texas Parks and Recreation Dept.


The new Eagle Scout Inclusive Playground is located in Spring Lake Park at 4303 N Park Rd in Texarkana Texas.

City of Texarkana Texas
City of Texarkana Texas
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