The NRA Foundation has awarded the Bowie County 4-H Shooting Sports Teams grants totaling $5,200 to fund 4-H Archery, Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun projects.

"We are very excited about equipment received in the NRA Grants, "said Cherrie Curtis, "and pleased that the NRA is making an investment in our community."

We are excited that the Texarkana Friends of NRA is once again hosting a Friends of NRA Banquet. The event will be on May 8, 2020, at the Texarkana Convention Center – Hilton Garden Inn. The doors open at 6 p.m. To purchase a ticket or sponsorships go to There will be a lot of prizes and fun to be had. Since 1992, Friends of NRA has been supporting NRA programs and local organizations such as Bowie County 4-H, protecting the Second Amendment, promoting the shooting sports and teaching freedom.

About the National Rifle Association Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Five million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and is the leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military.

To learn more about the Bowie County 4-H Shooting Sports projects and practice information, contact Cherrie at or call the Bowie County Extension Office at 903-628-6702.

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