Sir John Tackles “Country Girl – Shake It For Me” on Today’s ‘Cultured Country’ With Jim & Lisa
Sir John joined us again this Thursday for another attempt at bringing a little culture to our show and to the music we love so much. This week our resident BrittNeck gave a fair shot at the Luke Bryan song "Country Girl - Shake It For Me", so click on the audio link below and enjoy another edition of "Cultured Country."
"Cultured Country," listen for it Thursday mornings at 7:45 with Jim & Lisa, "The Wakeup Crew," on Kicker 102.5.
How It Works:
The premise is simple, country music lovers like us are generally thought of as un-cultured, so to fight this ridiculous notion and bring what we consider a little more refinement to our show, we thought having someone from jolly old England read some country music lyrics, out loud, on the radio might raise the culture bar a notch or two. Since we don't have any access to the Royals and the only Brit we know in the immediate area just happens to be Lisa's husband John, that's the way we went.
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