Stop Marvin Nichols Townhall Meeting Tonight at Silvermoon on Broad
The Marvin Nichols Reservoir project is one of those that most people have heard of at least a little bit, but most of us don't really know just how much of a land grab it is in Northeast Texas and how much land people would have to give up for the Dallas area to benefit from the project.
Now is the perfect time to find out more about the project and what is being done to stop it. Simply go to the Townhall meeting tonight, Tuesday, March 29th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at Silvermoon on Broad.
Join your friends and neighbors in Northeast Texas to learn more about the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir and how it will impact our community.
Opponents say the reservoir would be devastating for our economy, the environment, and the people of Northeast Texas. This Reservoir project has been kicked around for decades, so far, residents have been able to successfully push back against the largest planned land grab in recent Texas history. Until now that is.
Silvermoon on Broad is located at 217 W. Broad Street in downtown Texarkana.
This is a free event but they are requesting that you please RSVP through EventBright.com so they have some idea of who is coming tonight.
Learn how, and why, we should Stop Marvin Nichols tonight, street parking is available.
Please RSVP for this FREE event.
If you can't make it to the meeting tonight but would like to find out more, go to PreserveNortheastTexas.org.
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