TAPD Drug Take-Back Program Saturday October 23
It's time for the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department's annual event of the Drug Take-Back Program coming up this Saturday, October 23.
This is a Great Way to Make Sure Old Medications Don't Get into the Wrong Hands
Do you have some old prescription drugs sitting around in your bathroom medicine cabinet? This program is designed so you can dispose of these drugs safely and they will stay out of the hands of others.
This is the 22nd Drug Take-Back Program and the TAPD has teamed up with Harbor House Prevention and the Drug Enforcement Agency (D.E.A.), With the D.E.A. the drugs received will be disposed of properly,
Here's How It Works
There will be officers set up at Texarkana Emergency Center located at 4646 Cowhorn Creek Rd in Texarkana, Texas. They will take drug drop-offs starting at 8 AM and they will be there until 12 PM.
All you have to do to dispose of any medications you don't want, just drive up to the building and hand them to the police officers standing outside. They are making it super easy for you and fast too because you won't even have to get out of your car.
Items That Will Not Be Accepted
They can not accept: synergies or any type of sharps, inhalers, aerosol cans, mercury thermometers, and iodine-containing medications.
Can't Make The Drive Thru Event? You Can Still Drop Off The Old Meds
If you can't make it to the Saturday drop off event on Saturday there will be drop-off bins set up at three locations in Texarkana:
Texarkana Emergency Center - 4646 Cowhorn Creek Rd in Texarkana, Texas.
Bi-State Center-100 North Stateline, Texarkana, Texas
Miller County Sheriff’s Office-2300 East Street in Texarkana, Arkansas.
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