Texas Flag – Proper Display on May 15 and 27 Memorial Days
Gregory Scott Davidson, Executive Clerk for the Office of the Governor of the Great State of Texas, issued a reminder of the importance and significance of our state and national flags, emphasizing the proper display of each in Texas on the upcoming Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15, and Memorial Day on May 27, 2024. Beyond symbolizing our identity, the correct display of flags guides us through moments of joy, mourning, celebration, and reflection.
Peace Officers Memorial Day - May 15, 2024:
Flags are to be raised briskly to full staff in the morning.
Lower flags slowly to half-staff for the day.
Return flags to full staff the next day.
Memorial Day - May 27, 2024:
Raise flags briskly to full staff in the morning.
Lower flags slowly to half-staff until noon.
Raise flags briskly to full-staff for the rest of the day.
Flags should be at full staff the following day.
It is important to note that state agencies are not required to adjust work schedules solely for flag-related observances. Compliance with flag display regulations is only necessary when flags are displayed.
For clarity and adherence to statutory standards, the Governor's Office recommends the following proper flag-flying protocol. Agencies unable to comply with these guidelines should refrain from displaying flags during the specified memorial events.
Please refer to the accompanying "best practices" information sheet for additional guidance on flag display protocols.
Let us honor Texas and its values through respectful flag display practices.
To learn more about flying the Texas flag at your home, school, or place of business, go to the Texas House of Representatives website.
If you would like notifications from the Governor's Office as to what the State Flag Status is, sign up here.
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