US, AR, TX Flags At Half-Staff In Remembrance Of Pearl Harbor Today
President Biden, Arkansas Governor Hutchinson, and Texas Governor Abbott request that we all fly our flags at half-staff today in remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor 82 years ago.
It was proclaimed by then President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as "a date which will live in infamy." We're of course talking about the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands on this date, December 7, 1941.
Flags should remain at half-staff for just one day to honor all of those lost, and all of those who fought and provided aid and comfort to them on this day in 1941.
Many of our young people have little or no knowledge of what happened at Pearl Harbor or what it meant to the United States at the time, to those we say please read a book, watch a documentary, or watch a movie. Know your history or we may all be forced to repeat it someday.
Below is a really well-done video posted by CBS Sunday Morning 6 years ago. It's only 8 minutes long but it is a powerful and sober reminder of just how important it is we know what happened that day and why we were drawn into World War II.
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