The Best Place to Party in Texarkana Back in The Day Was —
I was talking with some friends the other day and we got on the subject of places and clubs where we use to party back in the day in Texarkana. The conversation got pretty interesting because we started to talk about clubs that are no longer here.
I could think of only five or six that would come to mind and one of those was the Pines Country Club. Man, do I have some memories there and probably a few I want to forget.
I was amazed by just how many country stars back in those years played the Pines on their way up to illustrious careers in the country music business. Namely, Garth Brooks. During that time, I was working at KMLA radio in Ashdown and my partner in crime was my good friend Fabienne Thrash best known as the "Ashdown Flash." We had a morning show called the "Border Patrol" and we heard Garth was coming into town to play at the Pines. Of course, he just released his first single "Too Much Young" and pretty much no one knew who he was. So we decided to put a contest together that would allow some country listeners to have dinner with Garth Brooks and tickets to his show.
The dinner was held at "Cadillac Grill," a Mexican restaurant on New Boston Road. I remember Garth showing up and introducing himself to the winning listeners. He didn't stop there though, he went around the tables to everyone eating there and introduced himself. I can remember the look on some of the people's faces. They wondered, "who in the heck is this guy?" Little did we know he would go on to become one of the biggest country superstars and legends in country music today.
I met Garth a few more times through the years and learned he has a great memory. He always talked about that great time he had in Texarkana and the great food he had at the Cadillac.
So with all that being said, I posed the question on my Facebook page about the best places to party back in the day in Texarkana and y'all mentioned some clubs that I completely forgot about. Didn't realize just how many clubs or bars have come and gone in this town. But man, nothing but good times, and thanks for the memories.
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