I don't know about you but when the Powerball jackpot gets up to around $200 million I start paying attention and usually start buying a few tickets here and there. As of today, the estimated Jackpot for Wednesday night's drawing is now $1.5 Billion... with a B! I think I can scrape up a few bucks to give it a go. But what happens if you win? Then what?

Mark Cuban has those answers and he should know. Back in the day before he was a billionaire, Cuban sold Broadcast.com to Yahoo! for around $5 billion. He went from regular guy with hopes and dreams to a billionaire overnight. You know, what we're all hoping will happen to us Wednesday.

We've all heard the stories though. Many who win the big one are flat broke within one year. It might take a little longer with $800 or $900 million in the bank but it could still happen very quickly if you're not prepared.

Mark Cuban states in his interview with The Dallas Morning News that the first thing you should do is hire a tax attorney. That's probably good advice. I'm thinking bodyguards might be a good idea, too. He also says you shouldn't take the cash option. Ooops, guess my thinking is wrong on that one. I would want as much of it as I can get as soon as I can get it that way I'm in control. Not because I want to hurry up and spend it, I just simply don't trust the government enough that they can stay solvent and pay it out over the 30 years.

Cuban has some very good advice when it comes to how to treat the friends and relatives you never knew you had who are coming at you with their hands out. Be sure you read all of his advice and then apply it to your situation accordingly.

Remember, opinions are like... (well you know), everyone has one.

Good luck!

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