Thursday, August 1 Is ‘World Scout Scarf Day’ – Are You Gonna Wear Yours?
I don't know what the numbers are area-wide, state-wide, or even nation-wide much less world-wide, but I do know there have been millions of Scouts over the last 100 years or so. Will we see 100's of neckers on World Scout Scarf Day Thursday, August 1 here in the Ark-La-Tex? Thousands? Or 10's of 1's?
I know it's short notice but since we at least have "some" notice maybe we can pull this one off. Who's with me? I know where mine is cause I still wear it regularly, same with my Eagle Scout kid and my wife who is the Caddo Area Council Commissioner. We know right where they are and we're not afraid to show them off. We earned them and we believe in the mission of Scouting.
If you're concerned about wearing your scarf without your Class A Field Uniform, worry not, check out this article from Bryan on Scouting. That rule changed back in 2015 in case you missed it.
How about you, how long has it been since you promoted Scouting? Tomorrow, Thursday, August 1, 2019 would be a great day to do just that.
Do it...