Training Seminar – Surviving an Active Shooter
There will be a course in Surviving an Active Shooter Training Seminar on January 15, 2021, at the Holiday Inn Arkansas Convention Center beginning at 5:30PM.
The seminar is being hosted by Focused Fire Training. According to their Facebook page, this event gives you strategies and skills to survive an active shooter. Whether you carry a concealed weapon or you are unarmed, they are going to teach you how to put yourself, and your family, in a position to survive the situation.
- Training the Brain
- Fight or Flight Response
- Armed and Unarmed Response
- Threat Assessment and What to Look For
- Scenario Training and Group Discussions
- Proactive Strategies to Win
All skills will be taught by a well-qualified law enforcement instructor. There will also be a presentation by U. S. Law Shield. The cost of the course will be $19.99 and you must be 12 and older to attend this event. All students under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Please be advised that some of the material presented could be disturbing.
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