UA Hope-Texarkana Practical Nurse Pinning Ceremony Scheduled in May
It's time for graduations all across the area and The University of Arkansas at Hope-Texarkana will be holding the special nurse pinning ceremony for the graduates from the Licensed Practical Nursing Program on Thursday evening May 5 at 6 PM. The ceremony will be held at the Hempstead Hall Theater.
If you don't know anything about the nurse pinning ceremony you are in for a treat. The public is invited to see the tradition of the pinning ceremony that goes back centuries. According to a press release,
the history of this rite of passage can be traced back to the Crusades of the 12th century. During this time, the Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist tended to injured and infirm Crusaders. When new monks were initiated into the order, they vowed to serve these sick soldiers in a ceremony where each monk was given a Maltese cross, the first badges given to those who nurse.
The ceremony that takes place now goes back over 100 years to when Florence Nightingale was awarded the Red Cross of St. George recognizing her efforts to help the injured in the Crimean War. Then when she was a nursing teacher she gave the pin to her top graduates.
If you would like information about the nursing programs at UAHT you can go to https://www.uaht.edu/practical-nursing/.
Registration is now open for summer and fall classes. You can register by calling Purtle Advising Center at 870-722-8124 or email pac@uaht.edu.

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