Vendor Space Now Available for 2019 Ark-La-Tex Outdoor Expo in Hope
The Ark-La-Tex Outdoor Expo is set for March 1-2, 2019 at Hempstead Hall on the campus of the University of Arkansas at Hope.
The two day indoor/outdoor event will feature many vendor booths and educational exhibits of interest to all outdoorsmen. Participating vendors will show boats, all-terrain vehicles, tractors, travel trailers, duck and turkey calls, cabin lamps, leather goods, fishing lures, archery equipment, knives, lawn mowers, and even jewelry for those who enjoy the great outdoors. Vendor space allows for 24 indoor spaces and unlimited outdoor spaces.
“This will be the third year for the Expo and we look forward to hosting the vendors with a variety of great merchandise,” said Dolly Henley, director of Hempstead Hall. “I feel that this Expo is a good fit for our area because there are so many people in the ARK-LA-TEX who enjoy the outdoors.
Hempstead Hall will be the place to be on March 1 and 2 if you are looking for a new boat, tractor, lawn mower, travel trailer or atv, or if you just need to upgrade your hunting, fishing or camping supplies. Mark your calendars now.”
Entertainment for the event will be announced at a later date.
Please contact the Hempstead Hall staff at 870-722-8565 for additional information and to register for vendor space.
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