When Is Park Day at Historic Washington State Park?
Historic Washington State Park's "Park Day" will be held on April 7, 2012. It will be a great day to show your appreciation for this landmark site.
Park Day hours: For those of you who like to sleep in on Saturdays, Park Day 2012 begins at 9 a.m. but will last through the afternoon. That leaves you plenty of time to chow down on some breakfast, drive to the park and arrive in plenty of time to put on your work gloves and get ready to work.
What is Park Day? It's been nearly 150 years since Civil War battles were fought on the grounds of Historic Washington. But each year, folks from around the country gather to spruce up the park with new coats of paint, beautiful flowers and freshly cut grass.
Who should attend? Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join in on the restoration project. Whether you belong to a non-profit organization or a church group, come out and join history buffs and preservationists from around the country spruce up one of Arkansas's favorite state parks.
What can volunteers do at Park Day? In addition to mowing and planting flowers, volunteers are needed to power wash fences, clean out fence lines, pick up trash and make the park a stunning destination for visitors.
Do volunteers get anything for pitching in? Participants will receive a T-shirt or patch in thanks for their service. Local sponsors will also provide bottled water, snacks and a picnic lunch.
For more information, contact volunteer coordinator Vicky Schoeneweis by phone at (870) 983-2558 or by e-mail at vicky.schoeneweis@arkansas.gov.
Check out the Historic Washington State Park website for more information about the park, tours, and a calendar of other events held at the site.