Win a Four States Fair Package Via Our New Mobile App
The 75th Annual Four States Fair & Rodeo kicks off on Friday, Sept. 13 - 22, 10 big days of fun, food, rides, and loots of rodeo action. Kicker 102-5 wants to make sure you experience all the fun with your chance to win tickets.
We're giving you a chance to win a Four States Fair Package via our new Kicker mobile app. All you have to do is submit a photo and you'll be automatically qualified to win a family 4-Pack to the Demolition Derby on Sept. 14 and a 4-pack of tickets to the final night of the RAM PRCA Rodeo on Sept. 21. Tickets are also good for admission into the fair!
If you don't have our app yet on your mobile device download it for free now in the App Store, Google Play or here.
The 2019 Four States Fair will be featuring Wagner's Carnival on the Midway an all-new carnival. Other big events include the 29th Annual Demolition Derby, 3 nights of RAM PRCA Rodeo action, 4 States Equipment Rodeo, a live concert from country star Mark Wills on the outdoor stage, Starz Youth Talent Show, and much, much more!
For tickets and more information, please visit FourStatesFair.com
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