16 Days Away Until ‘Big Boy’ No. 4014 Stops in Texarkana
Johnny Cash sang it best, "I Hear The Train a Coming," By now you should know we are just days away from getting an official visit from "Big Boy" Union Pacific's World's Largest Steam Locomotive stopping in Texarkana.
On Wednesday, August 25, at approximately 1:15 PM you will hear the whistleblowing as the No. 4014 pulls into Union Station on Front Street during its 2021 tour. Imagine 1.2 million pounds of steel rolling down the tracks in celebration of railroad heritage in communities that Union Pacific serves. Last year, the World's Largest Steam Locomotive came to Texarkana during its 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad’s completion.
Big Boy is a completely restored vintage historic train that will delight long-time train fans across Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and several other states before reaching its final stop in Denver, Colorado, and then return to its final resting place Cheyenne, Wyoming, where it was restored to its majestic beauty.
Union Pacific’s Big Boy No. 4014, the world’s largest steam locomotive launched “The Big Boy 2021 Tour” on August 5. Some locations will allow Experience the Union Pacific Rail Car, a multi-media walk-through exhibition providing a glimpse at the past while telling the story of modern-day railroading, which will accompany the Big Boy on its tour this year, according to a press release.
Unfortunately, the Texarkana stop will be for Viewing Only, fans can safely view the Big Boy. In some cases, the Big Boy will be displayed behind a fence or other perimeter.
Here's a shortened list of where No.4104 will make a stop in Texarkana and near here.
Wednesday, August 25
Jefferson, Texas Arrival 10:45 AM Depart 11:15 AM North Alley Street
Atlanta, Texas Arrival 12:15 PM Depart 12:30 PM West Tipton St. and West St.
Texarkana, Ark Arrival 1:15 PM Depart 1:45 PM 100 East Front St.
Hope, Arkansas Arrival 3 PM Depart 3:15 PM 100 Division St.
You can see the complete schedule and the latest news on the tour at upsteam.com. Track its journey here
The Story
Twenty-five Big Boys were built exclusively for Union Pacific, During World War II Union Pacific was known for having some of the most powerful and largest locomotives, one of them was the "Big Boy."
Don't miss this opportunity to see this magnificent train up close and personal.
Here's some video footage shot by Jim Weaver of the train arriving in Texarkana last year.
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