Unleashed: Animals That Are Legal to Own as Pets in Arkansas
Are you an animal lover? Did you know that some wildlife animals in Arkansas are legal to own? I don't know how often I've heard someone say, "I sure would love that animal as my pet." The first thing that comes to my mind is a deer but unfortunately in Arkansas, it's illegal to capture a wild deer and keep it as a pet unless the deer was captured by hand before July 2012, then you are allowed to keep it as a pet until it dies.
😍Animals You Can Legally Own in Arkansas
😍Links to Other Animals You Can Own in Arkansas
😍Links to Rules and Regulations in Arkansas
While I don't believe you should own all the following animals as pets for obvious reasons, it's up to the person whether they can handle it and have the right facilities to accommodate their needs and care for the animal.
Animals You Can Legally Own As A Pet in Arkansas
I'll be the first to tell you I am not a snake fan but ball pythons make good first pets, they are docile, slow, and don't require much space or enclosure. But don't expect me to cuddle up in bed with this snake, and beware of its bite, even if it's non-poisonous it can still puncture the skin and hurt.
If you love reptiles, I suggest getting a bearded dragon they can grow up to 24 inches long and live up to 10 years. They make great pets that are easy to maintain and are normally friendly to their owners, just don't let it out of its cage or it will destroy your room. See the complete list of unrestricted captive wildlife species from the AGFC.
This is not your average cat pet because of their aggressive wild nature it's not recommended to own one, but it is legal in Arkansas. Bobcats are not typically considered a threat to humans but may attack other animals. Like most wild animals, they could attack you if they feel threatened or boxed in. Bobcats can weigh between 12-25 pounds and have a very muscular body. Here's the guide on how to care for a bobcat. Some of these animals fall under the exotic pet law.
People often confuse a Buffalo with a Bison, a bison has a much larger head while a buffalo has a much smaller head like a cow. The buffalo is more of a docile animal making them easier to domesticate while the bison is more aggressive and unpredictable. You can own up to 100 species in Arkansas without a permit.
If you're looking for an animal that will be around for a long time, the camel is known for living up to 50 years. Camels don't store water in their humps as some people think, they store it in their blood. There are two types of camels and they run very fast up to 40 miles per hour.
One of the most common animals you may see in a wooded area is a coyote, coyotes are native to Arkansas and can be found in every county. Coyotes are reddish-gray and are about the size of a small collie dog. Coyotes are nocturnal and prefer bushy fields and clearings. You can own a coyote as a pet as long as the animal was taken before July 1, 2022. I think I'll stick with a dog on this one.
Most people call them peacocks but that's the correct name for a male bird and females are called peahens. The green peafowl is on the endangered species list the total population now stands at around 15,000 - 30,000. I have seen several restaurants that have peacocks roaming the yard. If you decide to own one just remember they will fly away or run away if kept in a free-range area. Peacocks are legal in all 50 states in the U.S. Can you say NBC?

See a list of exotic pets you can legally own in Arkansas.
If you plan on owning any of these pets in Arkansas you should always check with local authorities, city ordinances, and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission on rules and regulations.
Animals Legal to Own in Arkansas
Gallery Credit: Canva
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