Apply Now For Evening Licensed Practical Nursing Program at UAHT
If you have been wanting a career in nursing but your days are busy, how about taking some night classes? Now is your chance to take advantage of your nights with the Evening Licensed Practical Nursing Program with applications being accepted right now.
The application for admission to the Evening Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) Program at the University of Arkansas Texarkana is now open. Students can apply online at now through November 1, 2021.
The Evening LPN program is a full-time, 11-month, selective admission program leading to a Technical Certificate in Practical Nursing. The program prepares students for licensure through the National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX-PN). The program meets the requirements for accreditation by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.
Accepted applicants will begin the program in January 2022. Interested students should contact an advisor today for admission criteria or to enroll in any needed pre-requisite courses.
For more information, please call the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Health Professions Department at 870-722-8289
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