Planned Artsy-Fartsy Or Just a Lucky Shot? – Fun Stuff From The Airshow
Hey, it's Jim, your 'Just Plane Nuts' Correspondent back with another bunch of plane stories. I will be posting pictures from the AllianceTexas Aviation Expo that took place over the weekend in Fort Worth, Texas featuring the amazing Air Force Thunderbirds later this week, for right now though, how about something kinda cool that happened...
Let me back up a little, It's been a number of years since I have seen the Thunderbirds perform and to me, there's nothing better than the smell of Jet A, JP5, or JP8 (Jet Fuels) in the morning, so whenever I get the chance to witness one of these shows, I'm there. This past weekend it was me, my camera, and the AllianceTexas Aviation Expo.
This year I was bound and determined to purchase myself a genuine AF Thunderbird hat, I've always looked at them, and coveted them, but, being kind of a miserly old fart, never laid down the cash for one. This year was going to be different.
As you can see, I did it, $30 for this bad boy and even though it admittedly hurt a little, I gladly handed the fundage over to the lady and walked away proudly sporting my new hat. Which, by the way, I had to wear very tight due to the 30 mph winds on Saturday.
Did you notice in the picture at the top how smoothly the "Barbie III" nose art blends into my hat's Thunderbird formation? It caught my attention, so I zoomed in to see just how accurate this little minor photographic miracle was. No, it was not planned at all, just a happy accident as most of my successful photos are.
Let's zoom in and see:
Not perfect, but close enough. Just to show you there are no shenanigans going on, here's the nose art without my giant face in front of it.
I hope you enjoyed this little side trip down "what-the-heck-is-he-thinking" avenue. "Just Plane Nuts" returns later this week with a full gallery of photos from the AllianceTexas Aviation Expo.
Mid America Flight Museum - Mt Pleasant, Texas
CAF Houston Wing Gallery
Cavanaugh Flight Museum - Addison, Texas

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