Komen Texarkana Race For The Cure — 2014 Events
The 2014 Komen Texarkana Race For The Cure events are this weekend. Party in the Pink dinner is Friday, Oct. 17 and the Race is Saturday, Oct. 18.
Prior to the Race is the Friday night Party in Pink dinner (formerly the Pasta Party) from 7pm to 10pm at the Four States Fairgounds in the Oasis. Special guest is Molly Quinn, a star from Texarkana that plays Alexis Castle on the ABC show “Castle”. Dinner is Fiesta style catered by Tamolly’s Mexican Kitchen. Tickets are $50 each. There will also be a silent auction and live music. During the evening everyone will also have an opportunity to vote for their favorite T-shirt design as submitted by the local Race teams.
The Race for the Cure is Saturday at the Four States Fairgrounds and Bobby Ferguson Park. The Survivor Breakfast is at 7am. The Race starts at 9am. Saturday is going to be a beautiful Race morning!
You can still sign up at the Sullivan Performing Arts Center on Summerhill Road today (Thursday Oct. 16) from 11am - 6pm and tomorrow (Friday, Oct 17) from 9am - 1pm. You can register onsite or pick up your packets if you have already registered.
This race has been taking place for 16 years in Texarkana and has been instrumental in helping to save lives in our area. Over 3.6 million in local grants for breast health education and breast cancer screening having been awarded by the Texarkana organization since 1999.
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