Millions of Beautiful Monarch Butterflies Are Headed to Arkansas
By now I'm sure most of you have heard about the massive invasion of cicadas we're expecting in Arkansas this summer but have you heard about the millions of Monarch butterflies that will be coming our way this spring?
Monarch Butterfly
According to Only in Your State, this monarch migration in Arkansas will be the biggest in decades. Millions of Monarch butterflies will be spreading their wings in the mountains of Mexico and will be migrating to Arkansas later this spring.
Seeing a Butterfly
I have always been fascinated with these colorful winged creatures since I was a boy playing in my mother's backyard. There is just something majestic and spiritual about seeing the Monarch butterfly up close, many religions and other cultures believe the butterfly represents a new birth or beginning. They also symbolize change, transformation, and hope, what is not to like about that? Seeing a butterfly is often a sign that a deceased loved one is in a better place and that their soul and spirit live on in a different realm. That's a beautiful meaning when you think about it.
Monarch butterflies come in waves the first generation comes in and lays eggs for the second generation and the cycle continues until they get to the fourth generation which happens in September before they head back to Mexico. Better enjoy them because they don't live long 2-6 weeks except for the last generation which can live up to 9 months.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission encourages anyone who sees a monarch butterfly to go to the website iNaturalist and log in. Logging in gives the AGFC the resources to continue the research needed to study the positive effects these butterflies produce.
Endangered Species
In case you haven't heard, the monarch butterfly is now considered an endangered species and many factors have occurred that have caused these butterflies to be on the decline.
One of the best places to observe the monarch butterfly is a Botanical Garden and one of the best places to do that is Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Some state parks in Arkansas also offer butterfly educational events throughout the spring and summer months that visitors can engage in.
So, whether you choose to go to a garden or watch from your backyard be on the lookout this spring for the heavenly Monarch butterfly. It's a sight to see!
Have you ever had a monarch butterfly land on you? One of the best places to see thousands of butterflies is the Butterfly Palace in Branson, Missouri. This place is wonderful, not only will you see thousands of butterflies up close but visitors can experience them landing on you even on your face.
Promised Land Zoo - Branson, MO
Gallery Credit: Jim Weaver
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