Texas A&M-Texarkana ‘The Big Event’ a Big Success
This past Saturday, April 8, 2017 was a very special day for the Texarkana community thanks to Texas A&M-Texarkana. The Big Event: Eagle Pride City Wide -- a day set aside for community service.
The weather turned out to be beautiful for The Big Event while Texarkana, Texas Mayor Bob Bruggeman and Texarkana, Ark., Mayor Ruth Penney Bell officially kicked off the event by both reading a proclamation to christen the event. I was there doing a live broadcast and had the opportunity to briefly talk with the President of Texas A&M - Texarkana, Dr. Emily Cutrer.
"This an event that is organized by our students, our faculty, and our staff to say thank you to the city for all the support we've received from this wonderful community and region," said Dr. Cutrer.
Over 200 staff, faculty, students, volunteers and alumni headed out into the community to do projects such as raking , painting fences, mowing lawns, and cleaning parks. Dr. Cutrer said, "This is something we intend on doing every year with hope that this event will continue to grow as the word gets out."
One of the places that was on the list was Kidtopia Park located downtown. I went there to show my support and got some video footage and took a few pictures.