Which Words Are the Hardest for the Ark-La-Tex to Spell?
Sometimes I wonder where we would be without Google in our back pocket...
It seems like everyone these days is trying to prove just how well they can spell with the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee rapidly approaching. I remember competing in a spelling bee as a kid. I made it pretty far, but my downfall was "characteristic." I spelled the word perfectly however, somewhere in the middle I forgot if the word was given was plural or not. I guessed wrong.
It's haunted me ever since.
In 2018, you don't have to be able to spell everything perfectly. You just have to know where to find the correct spelling. More often than not, the answer is right there in the palm of your hand on your phone. We're living in a cheater's world. Kidding.
There are words that trip us up more than others and People magazine has made a list of the most menacing word in each state. Which words are tripping us up in the Ark-La-Tex? Take a look below... although I would say one word is completely unfair since it doesn't truly exist.
Arkansas: Beautiful
Louisiana: Favorite
Texas: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
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