Helping Stray Animals in the Winter

DIY Project

Winter Shelter for Stray Cats and Possums


Brrr it's cold outside and it's wonderful to be all toasty warm in the house next to a roaring fire in the fireplace, but what about those sweet stray cats and other animals that are trying their best to stay warm when the temperatures drop during the winter months?

Jack Baill
Jack Baill

Stray and Wild Animals Need Shelter Too

In my case, my next-door neighbor Jack has been taking care of two stray cats that showed up at his house in July and a sweet little opossum that has been a nightly visitor at my house for the past couple of months.

As the leaves on the trees started changing color I started to wonder if I could help these animals stay warm once the really cold weather arrived. My neighbor named the stray cats Smokey Jr. and Midnight. Then a couple of months ago I knew I was emotionally invested in the opossum because well...I named him. His name is Petie so we now call him Sweetie Petie or Sweet Pete.

Lisa Lindsey
Lisa Lindsey

Why Make Winter Shelters for Stray Animals?

One day I was looking up some information about opossums for information about foods that Petie might like. That's when I read an article about how wildlife rehabilitation and rescue workers could tell approximately how old a possum was. They could tell by how much frostbite the opossum had where they have little or no fur like their little fingers, the tips of their ears and their tails. That was the moment that I decided to make a winter shelter for not only the stray cats but for my sweet Pete too.

The shelters were pretty easy and they turned out great. And I'm pretty sure Petie, Midnight and Smokey will enjoy their new homes too!

How To Make a Winter Shelter for Stray Cats & Opossums

Making a winter shelter for small animals outside is easier than you think!

Gallery Credit: Lisa Lindsey

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