College Station Comic Con Was a Good Time in Aggieland
Donna and I have been running through the Comic Cons this year, including Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas - FanExpo in Dallas, Texas - HypeCon in Texarkana, Arkansas/Texas, Geek'd Con in Shreveport, Louisiana - College Station Comic Con in College Station/Bryan, Texas - and Spa-Con in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Two of those were firsts for us, the following photos are some of what we managed to get from the College Station event.
I say "managed to get" because we were busy at the 2024 College Station Comic Con, it was a lot of fun and a new adventure for us.
Held at the Brazos County Expo Complex, home of the upcoming Brazos County Fair and Rodeo.
Chalk this one up as another Cosplay Guesting experience for my wife Donna, known as Midnight Chaos Cosplay. If you don't know what that means, being a guest at the convention means you get your own booth, and cosplay guests are typically judges for the cosplay contest. Sometimes they do panels on cosplaying as well.
I am always my wife's handler at these things, which translates to "mule" most of the time, at the College Station Comic Con though, I got to play an additional role, that of the Cosplay Contest Host! Well, after 39 years in broadcasting, I have hosted a thing or two, but this was the first cosplay contest for me, and frankly, I had a blast. The players were fun and the costumes were great.
Did I Cosplay? Glad You Asked...
Yes, I did, as a "Tombstone" movie version of Doc Holiday. (If he had lived) It was probably not the most "Comic Con-type" costume I could have come up with, but it was one I wanted to do and it was fun doing it. I had a duster to wear (pictured above) but it was too hot for that in mid-September central Texas, and wearing those clunky boots all day was difficult, to say the least. But ask any cosplayer, and they'll tell you, we suffer for our art.
Check out some of these pics:
College Station Comic Con 2024
Gallery Credit: Jim Weaver
I hope the cosplayers and audience had fun, even with my stupid dad jokes, cause I had a blast.
Congratulations to the College Station Comic Con organizers, from what we heard they did about twice the volume of attendees they had from the year before, which was their first year in College Station. That's great news, it should mean expansion next year, which means more guests, more vendors, and even more cosplayers. Follow College Station Comic Con on Facebook for more information.
Will we be back next year? Unknown at this time... Whether we are or not, we wish them continued success. College Station Comic Con is smallish but growing and we had a ball.
Fan Expo Dallas 2024 - A Few Pics
Gallery Credit: Jim Weaver
Comicpalooza - Houston 2024
Gallery Credit: Jim Weaver

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