Is Wearing Headphones While Driving in Arkansas Legal?
When it comes to driving laws in Arkansas things could get a little fickle depending on what you are doing when you are behind the wheel.
So, that brings us to this burning question, Is it legal to drive with headphones on while driving in Arkansas? First of all, you might think why in the world would I be driving with headphones if I have a jamming sound system in my ride, to begin with? Well, it just depends on the situation I guess, but some people would rather listen to their headphones or earbuds.
So, let's answer the question, in Arkansas, Yes, it is totally legal to drive while listening to music on your headphones in fact, some may even use them to be hands-free while on their cellphone. However, you would think that listening to music on your headphones would be considered a distraction because after all, you might not hear a honking horn from another vehicle but the law is the law and they do differ from state to state according to this website.
So, What about Texas? Especially when you live in a border town like Texarkana, would you be breaking the law if it's legal in Arkansas but when you cross the state line you have to remove them?
The good news, it's legal in Texas as well but if you are driving in the state of Louisiana it is illegal to wear headphones while driving. Two out of three states in the Ark-La-Tex is not bad and just in case you are wondering, it's okay to wear them in Oklahoma.
There you go, Happy Driving and Jam on! Now, let me grab my headphones, I'm about to go on the air!
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