New SCAMs Are Making The Rounds According to Texarkana Officials
Bowie County Sheriff Jeff Neal issued a new Scam Alert late last week and Texarkana Texas Police have also put out a reminder on its Facebook page about scams that we should all know by now. However, sadly, if the scammers are still doing them, then they are still working.
Bowie County Sheriff Jeff Neal's Facebook Page showed a new scam alert issued last Thursday, August 24. In this scenario, someone calls and informs you are the winner of a huge lottery jackpot of $250 million dollars and a new Mercedes automobile. Sounds pretty exciting, right? All you have to do to get the prize is cover the shipping expenses. All you have to do is purchase some prepaid money cards and call them back with the information and those prizes will be on their way.
Sounds absolutely nuts when you type it out but let's face it, these people can be very convincing.
This scammer was reported to be calling from a 702-area code, that would be Las Vegas, Nevada. The Sheriff says these numbers are usually spoofed and change quickly and often.
Sheriff Neal added:
Once you give them the numbers off the prepaid cards the money is gone and cannot be recovered. This is just a friendly reminder from your Sheriff’s Office that you cannot win a contest you did not enter. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
The Texarkana Texas Police Department recently posted this same kind of information on its Facebook Page as well:
Remember that gift cards are for gifts - not payments.
Be suspicious of anyone who contacts you and demands money quickly. Anyone who wants you to send them a payment using a gift card is always a scammer. ALWAYS A SCAMMER!! If they ever start down that road with you, you know there's a serious problem and it's time to just hang up the phone.
Sheriff Neal also reminds us that as a general rule, you should never give anyone you do not know money over the phone in any fashion.
That's good advice.
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