Join The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Texarkana This Saturday
Too many of us know a loved one who is either currently suffering or has suffered from Alzheimer's. There have been great advances in research and medications for this awful disease, but so much work still needs to be done. That is why is so important to join The Walk to End Alzheimer's in Texarkana
This special walk will be this Saturday, September 21 at Spring Lake Park located at 4303 N. Park Road in Texarkana.
This is a great way for the Alzheimer's Association to raise money for research, support and care. Plus funds will go towards programs, awareness, education and their 24-hour helpline.
The event will all take place at the parking lot by the pond and baseball park at Spring Lake Park. The Walk Village will begin at 8:30 AM and the Opening Ceremony starts at 9:30 AM
There are already 43 teams and 161 walkers signed up and you can be a part of this great event and make a difference.
There is no registration fee for Walk. However, they do ask that every participant make a personal donation and commit to raising funds in the fight against Alzheimer's. Everyone must register. You can register online at act.alz.org/texarkana
Even if you choose not to walk but want to show your support there will be a Relaxation Station with games and a Fire Truck for the kids to see.

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