Check Out These Two Ark-La-Tex ‘Salute to Service’ Local Heroes
Townsquare Media / Texarkana is always proud to feature our Nation's heroes, at work and at play whenever we get the chance to do so, today we have two to share with you. Look out, Marines and Army in the da' house!
US Marine Col. John Cowart
U.S. Marine Corps Col. John Cowart, commanding officer, Marine Corps Advisory Company Alpha, a native of Texarkana, Texas, addresses attendees of the MCAC Alpha Relief and Appointment Ceremony on Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Aug. 12, 2023. MCAC provides trained and capable military advisors to work with foreign militaries and security forces of foreign nations. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. David Brandes)
U.S. Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sgt. Travis Thompson, outgoing senior enlisted advisor, Marine Corps Advisory Company Alpha, a native of Piney Flats, Tennessee, presents the non-commissioned officer’s sword to Col. John Cowart, commanding officer, MCAC Alpha, a native of Texarkana, Texas, during the MCAC Alpha Relief and Appointment Ceremony on Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Aug. 12, 2023.
US Army Spc. Rex Harrison
Spc. Rex Harrison, is from Redwater, Texas, and is currently a chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear specialist for 323rd Chemical Company, 476th Chemical Battalion, 455th Chemical Brigade, discusses Table I and II qualification tables of the M2A1 machine gun as part of Mobilization Exercise Level II July 21, 2023, at Fort McCoy, Wis. MOBEX II is meant to train and validate U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers to conduct post-mobilization and deployment operations necessary to provide a combatant commander with trained and ready forces. (U.S. Army video by Staff Sgt. Ryan Rayno)
As always, we consider it an honor and privilege to feature our hometown heroes whenever we can. Without them and those who came before them, none of what we do and the freedoms we enjoy are possible.
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