The Ancient Aliens Crew Landed In Grand Prairie Last Weekend
I finally got my Christmas present this past weekend. Why so long you ask? Well, it all started last Christmas, not 2022, but in 2021, my wife got me a Cameo video greeting from Giorgio Tsoukalos, one of the stars of the History Channel show Ancient Aliens. It turned out to be a very cool and unique gift, I've been a fan of the show since it came out over 10 years ago. Maybe I should back up a little more... have I ever told you my wife calls me Ploppy?
Ploppy Story
One day, several years ago, I was sitting in my office at home and had just finished watching some crazy conspiracy videos. My wife walks in and asks what I was watching and I made the dreadful mistake of telling her. She immediately went to the kitchen, got out the "good" aluminum, and proceeded to make me a "tin foil hat". By the way, I didn't tell her I agreed with what I had been watching, I just told her what it was. So, now whenever I'm sharing stories about the latest conspiracy theory, I have to wear my hat, and she calls me Ploppy.
The name Ploppy came from the Meme below.
Who wears it better, me or the cat?
I know, it's the cat, but my hat is nicer.
Ok, Back to the Aliens Guys...
So, after getting the Cameo greeting two Christmases ago my wife challenged herself to find me something cooler this year, then she noticed that the Ancient Aliens crew would be coming to the Dallas/ Ft Worth Metroplex for a live show in January and Tada... a new plan was hatched. Get Jim (me) to meet these guys.
The plan, and the show, came to fruition this past weekend at the Texas Trust CU Theater in Grand Prairie, Texas. The show is simply called Ancient Aliens Live and consists of five members of the show cast including one of its creators and Producers, Ancient Aliens Theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos; Researcher, Author, world traveler, Ancient Aliens Investigator, David Childress; Author and Researcher William Henry; Former UFO Investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope; and Astrophysicist and Aerospace Engineer, a real rocket scientist, Dr. Travis Taylor.
The Ancient Alien Theory is largely based on the findings and subsequent books by Erich von Däniken called "Chariots Of The Gods" back in the 70s.
Von Däniken's books and movies inspired millions to begin thinking that extraterrestrials had visited our planet in its distant past, imparted knowledge to our ancestors helping them develop skills in mathematics, agriculture, and engineering. In the process, built unbelievable megalithic structures like temples, monuments, pyramids and more, using building techniques that we would have a hard time duplicating to this very day. Then somehow, for some reason, the technology was lost or buried between then and now. Why? We wish we knew.
During Ancient Aliens Live, that's exactly what was discussed for about an hour and a half. For those of us that follow, and pretty well agree with these theories, this was a fun night. Tin foil hats or not, I think most everyone there had a great time. The conversation was lively and fun, with some good humor thrown in. Everyone with an accent, Brit, Nick Pope for one, and Alabama's native son Travis Taylor poked fun at each other. And everyone made little jabs at Giorgio's wild hair of course. It was a fun night indeed and highly recommended for true believers.
My lovely bride forked up the extra dough for the VIP photo session after the event and it was worth it to me for sure. The Ancient Alien guys were all very nice, shook everyone's hand, laughed, and joked with everyone, it was fun.
What We Learned
We learned that AlienCon, which was suspended during the pandemic is making its return in March of 2023, if you're really into this stuff, click on the link and make your plans for Pasadena, California. There was more we learned but if I gave you all the goodies, you wouldn't need to attend a show, now would you?
Overall, Ancient Aliens Live was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. As I always like to say, (hold on while I put my tin foil hat back on) the truth is out there, and we're getting closer every day to full disclosure... hopefully.
Live long and prosper, y'all.
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