How Do You Pay For Your Stuff? Cash Or Card?
How do you pay for lunch and the everyday expenses you have? Are you a cash person or do you use a debit or credit card?
Did you know that a lot of businesses are going cash-free? From concert venues to country clubs this is becoming the norm. But why? It is easier to do transactions when there is no cash involved. You don't have to calculate and hand out the change. And card transactions tend to go faster and keep those lines moving.
Here are the facts:
If you carry cash you can use it anywhere. It is readily available and everyone takes it. On the downside, if it is stolen you may not get it back. If you are like me you tend to spend your cash faster than if you use a debit or credit card. I tend to go through my cash pretty fast if I have it.
If you carry a card, then the next question is do you use a debit card or credit card? A debit card is directly linked to your bank account which makes it easy to keep up with your spending but it does have some issues.
If you lose it or if there are some fraudulent charges they may freeze your money and it could be a few days before you have access to it again. If you use a credit card you have some additional fraud protection and there will not be a freeze on your account.
So the choice is yours to make, cash or card. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. But it looks like most of us like me are carrying cards.
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