Jaw-Dropping Aerial View from the Cockpit Air Force Thunderbirds
The 2021 Barksdale Air Force Base - Defenders of Liberty Airshow is this Mother's Day weekend, May 8-9, in Shreveport-Bossier. The US Air Force Thunderbirds are the main attraction this year.
It's been a while since the Thunderbirds have made an appearance at Barksdale Air Force Base.
Other performances include the following.
- F-22 Raptor Demo Team
- Tora Tora Tora! - Reenactment of the bombing of Pearl Harbour
- Rob Holland - MXS-RH Aerobatics
- Jeremy Holt - Biplane Aerobatics
- Kent Pietch - Aerobatics since 1973
- Aeroshell - 4XAT -65 Aerobatics Team
- Matt Younkin - Beech 18 Performances
- Randy Ball - MiG 17
- Kevin Coleman - Edge 540
- USAFA Wings of Blue - Freefall Parachute Team
- Shockwave Jet Truck - 36,000 horse-powered custom-built truck
The Defenders of Liberty Airshow will also feature flyovers from a B-1, B-2, and B-52 plus witness other vintage warcraft as well.
Keep in mind this will be a Drive-In format, vehicles will be directed into a socially distanced parking spot and each vehicle will have its own tailgate area. Bring your own food and drink because there will be no food vendors this year. Masks are not required to be worn in your designated space but masks will be required when entering or going to the restroom. Admission is FREE but you still need a ticket to enter (one ticket per car) and you must get that at their website Barksdaleafbairshow.com or Facebook page.
The gates open at 9 AM and the airshow begins at 11 AM.
Keep in mind that weather-related issues could cause delays, cancellations, or some shows to alter their schedules.