Scout-O-Rama 2017 In Words And Pictures
Over 1000 Scouts, Troops, Crews, Packs, leaders, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, kids in scouts, kids not in scouts, all gathered this weekend to have some fun together at Scout-O-Rama, the largest public-invited Scout Show in the Four States area. Really, this was a big deal.
So here we have it, Scout-O-Rama is done for another year. The crazy thing is the planning for 2018 has literally already begun. Most of us on the committee will be back again next year trying our best to make a show happen that almost seems impossible each year to pull off. This was my first year and believe me I have learned a lot. #1 on my agenda for 2018 is to schedule myself off work the day after so I can get some more rest.
I'm still a little zombi-fied, but starting to feel normal again.
So, set your calendars for the weekend of April 28, 2018 so we'll see you next year for Scout-O-Rama 2018.
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