Thrilling Labor Day Fireworks Show on Lake Hamilton Hot Springs
If you are planning to spend this Labor Day weekend on the lake in Hot Springs, Arkansas then you need to make sure you don't miss the annual FREE Labor Day fireworks show on beautiful Lake Hamilton on Sunday, September 3, 2023.
Lake Hamilton
Fireworks will be launched from the middle of the lake from barges at around dark on the east side of Highway 7 at the first Highway 7 bridge across from the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. In case of rain, the fireworks show will rescheduled for Monday, September 4.
If you plan on watching the fireworks from the water maintain a safe distance from the launch area and lookout for other boaters in the area. Music for the fireworks will be provided by country station US 97 (97.5) so tune in.
Visit the Hot Springs website for more information on this event and other upcoming events.