With all the stores and restaurants making news that they are closing it is nice to see a new discount store that is just about ready to open in Texarkana.

This discount store already has two locations in Arkansas. One location is in Russellville and the other is in Hot Springs and now they are expanding to Texarkana.


Price Break will not only bring great name-brand items, but it will also bring a new shopping experience to our area. The new inventory will go up on Fridays and everything in the store is $15. As the week goes on the prices will drop.

On Saturdays - Everything will be $10

Sundays - Everything will be $6

Mondays - Everything is $4

Tuesdays - Everything is $2

Wednesdays - Everything is $1

They will be closed on Thursday. Then the whole process begins again on Fridays.


So if you see something you want on Friday but don't want to pay $15, you can wait a day or a few days for a cheaper price. But remember if you wait too long, you know what happens...it's gone.

At Price Break, you never know what you'll find, from clothing, furniture, home decor, electronics, beauty products and more


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Their Facebook page has a great video that explains the process. Price Break - Texarkana opens on Friday, November 1and is located at 5001 N Stateline Avenue in Texarkana, Texas.

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