Welcomed New Public Toilet and Showers Open at Smith Park in Miller County
It has been said and I agree, Alex Smith Park is a hidden gem in Miller County, Arkansas. Texarkana Scout Troop 3 has used it for many years for primitive camping experiences and earning merit badges. There are several Eagle Scout projects around the park as well, two of which I helped build myself. Smith Park has always been a very handy place to get away without having to drive too far away. In all those years there has only been one complaint that I can think of with Smith Park, "outhouse."
That's right, an outhouse was the only bathroom facility available for number 2 unless you were ok with digging a hole. At least that little slice of Heaven was a "hole with walls" to keep the chill off. But it wasn't much better than just that. Pretty nasty really.
As of today, the clouds have parted, the trumpets have sounded and the Angels are singing, for on this day, the public bathrooms and showers are officially open.
Stalls and a urinal...
A changing table...
Working showers...
And a sink with a mirror?
Catching Up
They have actually done a ton of work on the park in recent years, perusing their Facebook Page I am impressed. For instance, they have installed a flower box around the entrance sign. It looks very nice.
Living Up To The Name
Alex Smith Park is now the hidden gem it was meant to be, complete with a camping area, a nice pavilion and new picnic tables, playgrounds, easy access fishing area, boat ramp, gun range, and now a bathroom/shower they can really be proud of.
If you wish to use the gun range by the way, you have to pay a yearly fee at the Miller County Sheriff's Office. $10 for Miller County residents, $20 for all others. Click here for more details about the Gun Range.
It's been a while since I've been down to Alex Smith Park, but I'm honestly looking forward to going back.
If you're interested in reserving the pavilion or have questions about special events at Alex Smith Park, please call Miller County Judge Cathy Harrison's Office at (870)774-1301.
Great job to all who have put in the work to make Smith Park a better place to be.
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